Sapere Aude
Dare to know
Students enrolled in the GEMS Honours Programme have the opportunity to be part of a range of innovative movements, clubs, conferences, and actvities for schools and the wider community. Below are a select few options. Click on the icons below for links and more information.

TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events - celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global platform.

Kindness Anonymous is a secret society that aims to encourage people to be kind but in creative ways.

An opportunity to perform poems and be part of SciFest Dubai and the Emirates LitFest.

This is the keynote event of SciFest Dubai and brings together the most inspirational youth speakers in the city.

The Astronomy Group aims to spread a sense of wonder and awe about the vastness of the universe and about the mysteries of space. through stargazing activities, workshops, telescopic viewing, and camping trips.

Cafe Scientifique Dubai is a meet up group for the community and the aim is to talk science in an informal setting over coffee.

Phoebus Online is an e-Magazine for gifted and talented youth writers.

SciFest Dubai was the first science festival in Dubai and celebrated science through the arts and popular culture.

Intelligent Optimism is a global movement that aims to promote optimism about technology and the future - but in an informed and rational way.